Using archive_cache

archive_cache provides the enable_archive_cache() pytest fixture. It uses the AiiDA caching mechanisms to enable end-to-end tests of high-level workchains without executing individual Calcjob processes, if they can be cached from a stored archive.

Here an example of using the enable_archive_cache() fixture to test a simple workchain using the diff code

The workchain looks as follows

class DiffWorkChain(WorkChain):
Very simple workchain which wraps a diff calculation for testing purposes

def define(cls, spec):
    super(DiffWorkChain, cls).define(spec)
    spec.expose_inputs(DiffCalculation, namespace='diff')

def rundiff(self):
    inputs = self.exposed_inputs(DiffCalculation, 'diff')
    running = self.submit(DiffCalculation, **inputs)

    return ToContext(diff_calc=running)

def results(self):
    computed_diff = self.ctx.diff_calc.get_outgoing().get_node_by_label('diff')
    self.out('computed_diff', computed_diff)

And here is the test

def test_diff_workchain(enable_archive_cache):
    End to end test of DiffWorkchain
    # ... set up test inputs

    inputs = {
        'diff': {
            'code': diff_code,
            'parameters': parameters,
            'file1': file1,
            'file2': file2,
    with enable_archive_cache('diff_workchain.aiida'):
        res, node = run_get_node(DiffWorkChain, **inputs)

    # Test results of workchain

The fixture will look for the AiiDA archive named diff_workchain.aiida in a folder named caches in the same directory as the test file, if nothing else is specified. If this exists the archive is imported and the AiiDA caching functionality is enabled. All calculations created inside the with block will use the cached nodes if their inputs and attributes match. If the archive does not exist the, workchain will try to run the complete calculation and, afterwards, create the archive in the specified location.


The hashing mechanism of AiiDA is modified within tests that use the fixture to ignore certain attributes that would invalidate the cache when running the tests on different machines, with different versions of AiiDA, etc. By default, the test archives are migrated to match the installed AiiDA version.

The following options can be specified in the .aiida-testing-config.yml file. All of the below options are optional and do not need to be modified in order to use the archive cache functionalities

    default_data_dir: ... #If specified all relative paths passed to enable_archive_cache are relative to this
        calcjob_inputs: [...] #List of link labels of inputs to ignore in the aiida hash
        calcjob_attributes: [...] #List of attributes of CalcjobNodes to ignore in the aiida hash
        node_attributes: #mapping of entry points to list of attributes to ignore in hashing of nodes with those entry points
            diff: [..]

An example, where it might be necessary to modify the options in the ignore namespace, is testing workchains across multiple AiiDA core versions. When using a AiiDA archive created in version 1.6 and testing the workchain with this archive in version 2.X, calcjob nodes contain new metadata attributes (in this case environment_variables_double_quotes). Therefore, in order to still reuse the 1.6 archive the added attributes have to be ignored when computing the hash of this calcjob.


The file location of the archives used for these regression tests can be specified as the first argument to the enable_archive_cache() and can either be an absolute or relative file path for an AiiDA archive file

If the path is absolute it will be used directly. A relative path is interpreted with respect to either the default_data_dir option in the config file, or if this option isn’t specified a folder named caches in the same directory as the test file in question

So in the default case providing just the name of the archive to enable_archive_cache() will create an archive with the given name in the caches subfolder

$ pytest -h
custom options:
                        If True the stored archives cannot be migrated
                        if their versions are incompatible.
                        If True the stored archives are overwritten
                        with the archive created by the current test run.